August, 2020: Appreciated!

          Hi everyone! Happy Summer. It's nice to see the Sun again, a card radiating warmth, freedom, generosity, life, and joy. Success. I'm thinking, good or favorable news (on an individual basis) is on the way? ☀

         I sure hope so. Because I realize that, on a global scale, not all things are happy. But I think we can see happy wherever we are. Wherever we go. Wherever we feel welcome. And wherever we welcome others. 

        In August, we spend most of our days in Leo Season. Leo represents love and care, leadership, bright colors, acknowledgement, recognition, dignity, and, at times, this sign isn't afraid to let it all out. 

        Some may consider this behavior *flamboyant,* this act of just being.

        I prefer to perceive it as an expression of freedom. Of happiness. We all express both in a unique way. We all experience happiness in our own unique way, too. And I'm happy I've drawn the Sun to accompany Leo Season... as it will bring brightness our way for sure, through a number of mediums and then tasks (especially as we enter Virgo Season on August 22nd).

        Also, I feel like the concept of uniqueness is coming up a lot in this post. Leo sits opposite Aquarius, the sign of uniqueness! But also independence and individuality and electricity. 

        And the Sun, Leo's ruler and the Tarot card for August, is a star and, thus, unique.


        So, since Leo is the King of the Jungle, we are in charge of how we love ourselves and others and whatever is around us.  And you know who/what else is?

        God. Or that Force we believe in. The one that sustains us... particularly when we're not sure what to do or how to react or how or what to be. (We can't tell this Force how to love us or others.)

        I'll admit, I'm not extroverted. I'm probably half so... because some of my expression is liberated. I write. I play piano... either by myself or alongside others. I sing, cook, bake... but I only speak when I need to (and I've been judged tremendously for it... but it doesn't stop me from going❤).

       How do you express a part of yourself? Or... how do you wish to do so?

       Regarding something you do, what makes it stand out/special/different? How do you personalize it?

       Now... take a deep breath in... and feel gratitude for yourself. Appreciate yourself and how you've been created... because the way you do *this thing* or *these things* stands out and is beloved/appreciated by those around you... even if they don't say it.

        This is a great month to list not just what makes us happy... but maybe to partake in a creative activity, like a vision board, which features items on your list.

        As we see and breathe in our happiness, as we allow it to surround us, the love for ourselves and others increases. 

        Enjoy a little sunshine, perhaps a new beginning as the Sun is the first card of my deck,... and whatever freedom you have to breathe and express yourself...


