Holy Cow, the World Spins: July's Forecast
Hello everyone! Hope you are well. Safe. Happy.
I remember writing a post for July last year. I know we're currently in June... but the air in New York is so, so lovely. Clear. Crisp. The temperature is perfect at 75 degrees right now... and the trees, in full bloom, look like they've burst into song. I absolutely love saluting them with a grateful, heart and the stars they put in my eyes.
I couldn't wait for June to get here. It is one of my favorite months. Reasons are, June comes with fireflies and summer.
Now, when I was a kid, we didn't go to a shore house or Disney World or anywhere particularly *spectacular.* BUT we went to a place *I* found amazing-- my aunt's apartment twenty or so minutes away... in the Castle Hill section of the Bronx. It was peaceful for a couple of weeks. Quiet. My parents got a break from their kids.
And my aunt had this run-down, rusty brown car that was so low to the ground it practically scraped the roads we found ourselves on. Seatbelt-less, she'd drive us to areas of City Island that felt like... a paradise. Grass everywhere. Trees. Even the weeds were beautiful. Tall and proud.
And on one humid, cloudy day, my brother and I found a tire hanging from a lone tree... that we swung from for hours... just breathing in this damp New York air, unable to let it go.
And when it came time to use the bathroom, we'd go pee behind some tall bushes... which, as I remember, wasn't scary for my brother because he didn't have to squat in fear of bugs entering one of three orifices. Boys were so lucky when it came to peeing in public. Almost any target would do... even while in the middle of freaking Times Square.
My favorite part of those days... was the freedom. The feeling of being free... while in the happiness with the little in our possession. I mean... think about a heavy piece of luggage. Think about how it feels to travel with it, whether it's carried by our hands. Resting on our back. Wheeled around...
All this brings me to July's Tarot card, The World. This card can mean travel. Education. Circulation (essentially stuff that circulates). Scholarship. International themes. The World Wide Web. Recognition. Promotion. Distance. Detachment.
Someone may think the world of you... or you of them. Or you might think the world of each other.
Feeling like a part of this world is a possibility. So is feeling a world away from a goal or geographical location (which isn't necessarily a bad thing).
Imagine, for instance, not having to lug around a heavy piece of luggage, instead traveling lightly.
Imagine being able to express yourself... whether through speaking, singing, movement(s), sharing content or your story, your words-- something about yourself with others... without being blocked from doing so. Or simply having the power to opt out of a moment, event, situation that may be uncomfortable (or just not our thing).
If we have a multitude of interests, and there are many in our world, we are fortunate. But even having less, growing up with less is a boon as it helps us appreciate anything added to our experiences.
Experience is a major theme in the World. Feel proud of your own... especially if you've taught yourself certain things. The Web is a perfect place to learn certain things without investing a lot of cash in lessons. But, in general, when people don't have money for certain things, they become resourceful, watching how others do something, picking up
The World Wide Web is something I will always be grateful for. When I felt like I didn't have a friend (actually, nevermind-- turns out I didn't have a friend at the time), when I felt like the world was collapsing around me, I randomly met a kind, sophisticated gentleman on AOL Chat who shared his story with me... and made me feel like I wasn't alone. He also mentioned something wonderful and that is:
"Don't wait to be discovered-- you are already here." What he meant by it is, don't wait for anyone's approval or support to pursue hobbies, goals, interests. His was to play the saxophone. So he studied music, earned a doctorate degree over time, and played for eclectic audiences throughout Miami. And he sure as sh*t didn't care if someone didn't like it.
When we meet people online, they may not be who they say they are. But I was lucky, in that both Leo and I were exactly who we said we were. The child of a drug addict, he was an African American from Pittsburgh who suffered through a lot racial injustice. And I was the sister of a drug addict from the Bronx.
I am also very lucky to have a platform on the Web with which to share writing, music, other content with others. To be there for others. For instance, since April I've served as a free online tutor (through Zoom). And people who ordinarily don't get a shot at sharing their work with an audience... can do so for free online.
Or for a nominal fee. In other words, there is a way for most to establish themselves, especially professionally, while online... whether this is done through social media, a website or a portfolio.
July is our 7th month. It has the potential to allow some to overcome certain hurdles. To rise above adversity. It addresses our individuality and uniqueness. We see there is one character in the middle of the World, soaring. She has what appears to be an audience. Maybe protectors. But one thing is certain:
She is her own person.
She makes her own choices.
She is proud to be in her own skin.
She is accountable. Reliable.
But again, she is an individual. Unique in her own way. And while others can emulate her... or be better than her... but they will not do what she does... the way she does it.
Note the flair from doing our own thing.
I've been shut down and been made to feel powerless when I've tried to speak up about certain things. This is why I write.
Encouraging others encourages us. Supporting others supports us. Empowering others empowers us. Acknowledging others leads to others acknowledging us. Recognizing others... results in being recognized.
And ensuring others maintain their dignity... allows us to hang onto our own.
Guys, stay strong. Stay happy. Stay healthy, confident. Consider sharing experiences with others-- and, most of all, know you're a part of this world we live in... even after death. I share stories about my deceased loved ones often.
Thank you so much for reading. I am so grateful to have you here. Have a wonderful month... and I hope to see you on the other side of it.
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